How proud can one be?
The first online teaching masterclass about wet felted sculptural hats exceeded by far my expectations! I’m so proud to show off some of the wonderful pieces made!
Stunning sculptural head art, made by my student Ceda Misic during the first online hat making class from June 15th to 18th.
Ceda Misic is a loyal student from Slovenia. I had the chance to meet her “for real” in the art vest & mixed media cowl class I taught in Vienna in September 2019. It’s so much fun to see her evolve and taking so much joy in creating outstanding pieces. Check out her univers here:
Student Gerry Willging is a joyful creative mind and this show through in her bold sculptural hat! Gerry is also a painter and jewelry artist. More of her beautiful univers:
Punky hat by student Claudia Bousraou
Watch out for Claudia Bousraou - talented German student based in the USA! She hasn’t an internet presence yet but hopefully will make more art and show it to the world, soon!
This beauty was made by Uk based student Karen Denley. As Claudia she doesn’t show her work online yet but definitely should. Love how much the hat changes in function of which angle you look at it. This is why I call these hats sculptural. They are stunning and changing all around!
Gerry Willging made a second very different one straight after the class. It’s it awesome, too?
Creativity & Self Expression
In my teaching I’m aiming to give my students a wide selection of technical tools and insiste in the quality needed to make an idea look beautiful. I’m persuaded that once you have a variety of different skills and master the quality, creativity and self expression will be easy.
I’m very happy and so proud of the diversity of styles made in this class! If you like it, too, please leave a comment in the comment box to encourage my students (and myself).
Thank you & happy smiles your way!