Proud member of the VAWAA artist team workshopsAriane MarianeOctober 31, 2022workshops, vawaa, vancancy with an artist, art holidays, art in paris, workshops in parisComment
Trailer: Sculptural Felt Bracelet - DIY workshops, Wet FeltingAriane MarianeJuly 28, 2022felting workshops, ariane mariane workshops, felted jewelry, wet felting diyComment
Invitation to INSPIRE community, Inspiration, workshopsAriane MarianeApril 8, 2022community, art, creativity, intutive artComment
Reconnected through live online classes About my work, workshops, Students workAriane MarianeApril 2, 2021online teaching, reconnected, feedback Comment
When mixed media improuves felt art mixed media, workshopsAriane MarianeOctober 2, 2020felt art, improving felt, mixed media felt, textile art, mixed media textile art, online workshops, mixed media workshop, ariane mariane workshopsComment
Digital critter drawing out of watermarks Inspiration, workshops, mixed mediaAriane MarianeSeptember 7, 2020mixed media, digital drawing, textile art workshops, drawing critters, funky critters, digital illustration, airane mariane workshopsComment
How proud can one be? Students work, workshops, Online classes, Felt Hats, Wet FeltingAriane MarianeJune 22, 2020online teaching, online felting, felting workshops, stage feutre, créer avec la laine, laine feutrée, students work, proud teacher, hollow form felting, template felting, hollow form critters, felt hatsComment
Hollow form felt art critters made by YOU Students work, workshops, Online classesAriane MarianeJune 15, 2020online teaching, online felting, felting workshops, stage feutre, créer avec la laine, laine feutrée, students work, proud teacher, hollow form felting, template felting, hollow form critters, crittersComment
Amazed by my student's unique felt work Students work, workshops, Online classesAriane MarianeMay 30, 2020online teaching, online felting, felting workshops, stage feutre, créer avec la laine, laine feutrée, students work, proud teacher, hollow form felting, template felting, hollow form crittersComment
Online workshops themes 1/2020 Online classes, workshopsAriane MarianeMay 9, 2020about online teaching, ariane mariane online classes, workshop themes, wet felting classes, textile art workshops, online learning, live online classes, airane mariane workshopsComment
Hollow form critters by my talented students Students work, workshops, Online classesAriane MarianeMay 6, 2020online teaching, online felting, felting workshops, stage feutre, créer avec la laine, laine feutrée, students work, proud teacher, hollow form felting, template felting, hollow form critters, crittersComment
Funky international felt birds made online Students work, workshops, Online classesAriane MarianeApril 25, 2020online teaching, online felting, felting workshops, stage feutre, créer avec la laine, laine feutrée, students work, funky felt birds, proud teacherComment
Workshop review - students funky felt critters Students work, workshops, Online classesAriane MarianeApril 19, 2020online teaching, online felting, felting workshops, stage feutre, créer avec la laine, laine feutrée, students work, funky felt birds, proud teacherComment
My kind of wool Online classes, About my work, Wet Felting, workshopsAriane MarianeApril 16, 2020what kind of wool, wet felting tips, merino wool, top wool, online courses wool, wet felting wool, wool top for felting, extrafine 16 micron merino wool, smoothest wool, wool for beginners, recommended woolComment
Launching online classes workshops, Online classesAriane MarianeMarch 28, 2020online class, felting workshop, felting online, ariane mariane workshops, felt vessel, beginner workshops, diy, advanced feltmaking workshop, professional felt making, sculptural feltComment
Master class 2020 - felt art & creativity Felt art, hatmaking & embroidery masterclass 2020 Read More workshopsAriane MarianeNovember 3, 2019masterclass, creative holidays, art holidays, felt art, felt workshop, embroidery on felt, paris workshop, felt in paris, creativity boost, feltingComment