Felt Hat Workshop


Just wanted to share with you some photos from the last 3D Felt workshop I taught in January. I was pleased to welcome two French, one Swiss and a German lady with very different felting backgrounds. The most experienced - Uta Gneisse - has her own felt art galerie in Dresden the less experienced just started felt making last spring.

This was the first time that all students in the class decided to make a felted hat. Generally I have a mix ogf hats, sculptures and bags. As hats are fastes to make than bags or sculptures, two students had enogh time to make 2!

The slideshow shows step by step how the felted hats were made

From idea to sketch, to template making

& from wool layout to free form molding

After demonstrating my wet felting techniques through a fun exercise, students started by sketching their hat idea. The sketch was used to make a technical 1:1 design that allowed us to calculate the plastic template which is covered with loosen wool fibers to create a hollow form.


I forgot to take photos of the exercises my students did but here is the one I made to demonstrate different techniques :


Happy students with their beautiful headpieces


By the way - you can see only 3 students because I respect if someone doesn’t want her face showing up on my blog :).

Interested in taking a class? Check my calendar for upcoming events and don’t hesitate to send me a message if you want me to schedule another date or program. I’m always happy to make things happen!

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