Construction, deconstruction, reconstruction - the story of a mixed media felt vessel 2

In my precedent blog post I illustrated the work in progress of a mixed media felt art vessel - my respond to a challenge (to get to know more about it, follow the link above). Ever since this vessel was summited to further transformation through playful experimentation.

Experimentation without determining the final result

There is no final “result” and that’s what I like most about it! Due to its textile nature and the fabulous flexibility of felt, this constructed and deconstructed piece can be reconstructed in infinite ways. The video gives inside about the transformation process:

My favorites

The pictures below show the “results” I like best. I love that the piece can be declined in so many different shapes, from the organic seashell like one to the compressed one, shown in the last picture. This one reminds me of the work of french sculptor “César” and inspires me to work with prints and stenciling the nest time.

Further Explorations

What has started as a playful response to a challenge, has probably opened up a whole new approach for my art investigation! At least that’s how it feels like right now. I will go on exploring the mixed media vessel and the possibilities of transformation art.

I also plan a workshop for my former mixed media students! It feels like this is the perfect succession for the techniques taught in my mixed media classes.

“Inspiration exists but it needs to find you working” - Pablo Picasso

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