Art Vests online workshop #1

First online class “ 4 in 1 Felt Art Vests”

In Januar 2021, pushed by the group of my most engaged students, I finally taught my popular face to face class: “4 in 1 - Felt Art Vests”.

Because of the huge layout size and the immense time that goes into a wearable art garment like this, it was a challenge to figure out how to manage this class online. Luckily the ladies insisted and as I knew, I could relay on the patience and supportive encouragement of these fantastic group of woman, I gave it a try.

With about 10 hours of live teaching, backed by an explicite handout and a permanent support on a private FB page we did it! I’m proud to share in the slideshow below, the unique, original art pieces made during this first art vest online session:

When is the next art vest class scheduled ?

It was great fun doing it and it also allowed me to see how to improve the online experience in this class. I‘ve figured out that I need more recording, allowing me to zoom in and zoom out. This will enable me to better switch between the allover work and the detail fiber painting which is better demonstrated in close up views.
I’m currently working on this and consider offering a second workshop to another small group of former students in June. If this goes well, I will integrate the art vest class into my regular online teaching schedule by September 2021.

Art vest workshop waiting list

The request for this workshop is high. I opened a waiting list for those who want to be the first informed when I schedule the art vest class to everybody. If you like your name to be added, please send me your request.

Upcoming workshops

In the meanwhile check out my other online courses: