Art transforms - transform Art

L’art Transforme L’art

Earlier this year, a beautiful invitation came in from fellow metal artist @mehdi yarmohammadi. Mehdi invited me to be part of a happening organized at the @Shakirail in Paris.

The happening “Performance day” took place on April 6, 2024. More than 20 artists from all kind of domains made this event magical! So happy to be part of those who enchanted an enthusiastic audience!

felt hat installation

Spreading the magic and healing energies of art - what else is more rewarding!

Become part of the art - be the artwork

For the show, I presented my ongoing “Transforma(c)tor” project, with new hats - masks. A fun combination I’m currently developing: worn one side, it’s a mask, worn the other side, it’s a hat… With this project it feels I’m pushing my life long project “hats = sculptures”, further.

The aim of my intervention was to let the audience perform . I invited the visitors to be part of the art - to become the artwork.

The spectator as actor => spectactor

It was wonderful to observe the different approaches of the spectatcors. Some where straight ahead exited to participate, other were shy and had to be gently pushed by me, there friends or family. When transformed by a headpiece, some just posed like statues but most were immediately transformed and had fun playing with the artwork. Some started to perform and play with the other speca(c)tors.

More to come

The “L’art Transforme L’art” is an ongoing project which started last year - in 2023 - with the “Transforma(c)teur” at the show “Art Inédit".

With this art project I continue “my mission” to bring art into all day life. I want to spread the magic of making, seeing and touching art because art is healing and this world needs to heal urgently!

To get involved more people , I’m much looking forward now for upcoming exhibitions !

